2024 Ranch Family

The Dave & Rhonda

Lensegrav Family

Dave and Rhonda Lensegrav started ranching in 1968 after Dave graduated from SDSU where he competed on the college rodeo team. Dave was the first in his family to rodeo having to get his entry form forged by a friend to compete. Dave hung up his competition spurs at a young age to focus on building a great cow herd that evolved into an annual bull sale. At the same time, a family was being raised into the ranching and rodeo lifestyle. Dave and Rhonda raised four kids on the ranch Ken, Kristi, Jesse and Taylor. Oldest son Ken went to the NFR 10 times in the bareback riding, and Kristi won numerous championships in amateur associations.
While getting out of the hayfield was a motivation to go rodeoing for Ken and Kristi. The younger boys went further afield, and Jesse became a chiropractor and Taylor a Naturopathic Doctor.
Dave and Rhonda’s grandkids are continuing the rodeo tradition in high school, college and pro levels of competition. 
Dave was one of the founders of the Boss Cowman Rodeo in Lemmon and helped with other local committees chute bossing local rodeos for many years. A very special honor to Dave was when the Casey Tibbs foundation honored him at the Bronc match.
Rhonda is still manning the ranch and making her daily rounds. 
The people this family has been able to associate with in rodeo and ranching are the best people on earth and Have made this a wonderful journey!

Rorey Lemmel- 2024 Rodeo Promoter


Onion Ring- 2024 Animal Athlete